What is the Tokenomics of LEXA Gold

Lexa Gold is simultaneously building a network of entities that will power the platform with AI services and stimulate mass adoption. These Lexa Gold offshoots are running across several carefully selected vertical markets, including DeFi, Media, Arts, Entertainment, Gaming, Biotech, Robotics, Longevity, and Enterprise-Level AI.




Circulating Supply: 1,000,000,000 LEXA
Total Supply: 500,000,000 LEXA (50% burn)
Maximum Supply: 1,000,000,000 LEXA
Token Name: Lexa Gold
Token Type: Deflationary
(automatically 0.1% burn during every transaction)
Token Symble: LEXA
Decimal: 8
Initial Price: $0.05
Pancakeswap listing Price: $0.50-$1.00
Contract Address:



5% Private Sale Allocation (Sale-Price: $0.05)
25% Pre Sale Allocation (Sale-Price: $0.06)
50% Crowd Sale Allocation (Sale-Price: $0.08-$0.10)
10% Pancakeswap Listing (Price: $0.50-$1.00)
3% Dev Allocation
3% Marketing Allocation
2% Anti-Climate Change Allocation
2% Flood & Natural Disaster Relief Allocation




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